Currently, Vietnam issues electronic visas for citizens of 81 countries with a 1-month visa term and is allowed to enter 33 international border gates of Vietnam. The electronic visa procedures are completely carried out on the Internet environment and computers from registering information to paying and returning visa results.

“Do we need photos for Vietnam e-visa?”. Yes, to apply for a visa, soft copy of your photo is one of the must-have requirements. So how to take photos properly? Let’s find out through the following article!

Portrait photography requirement for vietnam e-visa 

  • Vietnam e-visa recent photo is no more than 6 months 
  • Size of photo: 40 mm x 60 mm.
  • Photo background must be white.
  • Photos must capture a person directly, without a hat and obscured eyes.
  • High quality photos are the basis for photos to be displayed in the best conditions 
  • Photos must clearly show facial details from the chin to the top of the head as well as the entire face. Face height must be 70 – 80% photo, equivalent to size 32 – 36 mm from chin to tip, excluding hair part.
  • All parts of the picture must be sharp, sufficiently contrasting and clear.
  • The face must be well-illuminated to prevent light reflections or shadows or red eyes.
  • On the photo only shows the person need capturing (no other people and objects). Do not let the shadow appear on the background.
  • The image color must be neutral and the skin color must be displayed naturally.
  • Photos are not allowed to have folds or smudges.
  • You are not allowed to tilt or turn your head.
  • You need to have a neutral expression, mouth closed and looking straight into the camera.
  • Eyes must be open, free of hair or glasses.
  • Basically, you are not allowed to wear hats and scarves. The exception applies to cases for religious reasons.

For children under 10 years of age, the following exceptions can be made for face height and eye position in photographs:

  • The height of the face must be 50 – 80% of the image, equivalent to the size of 22 – 36 mm from the chin to the top of the head, excluding the hair.
  • Due to the difficulty in locating the top of the head, passport photos are only rejected when the face height is less than 17 mm or greater than 40 mm.

For infants and young children, the additional exceptions can be made for head position (face-to-face shooting is still needed), expression, eyes and view as well as the center of people on the photo.

Do I need to bring photo if I have Vietnam e-visa?

No, you don’t need to bring photo if have Vietnam e-visa because the photo is uploaded when you apply for a visa through the website and is printed with the visa. 

More about Vietnam e-visa